Date: 29 July 2021
Time: Various
Location: Church of Our Saviour
This year the New Wine United summer conference in Peterborough has been postponed until 2022. BUT, New Wine is going online again with United Breaks Out (UBO) bringing us a 6 day programme of worship and teaching between Thursday 29 July and Tuesday 3 August. Join us to worship together with hundreds of churches across the UK.
We'll be watching the New Wine morning and evening celebration live-streams in Church of Our Saviour. Or you can watch from the comfort of your own home. We'll also be doing lots of activities - you can join in with us, wherever you are!
In addition to the 11am morning and 7pm evening celebrations, we'll also be running some events and activities across the 6 days.
Thursday 29 July, 5:30pm - Bring-your-own takeway. A time to enjoy fellowship together in the church garden before the opening celebration begins at 7pm.
Saturday 31 July, 3pm - 6pm - BBQ
Sunday 1 August, 12pm onwards - Picnic on the Green
Other activities planned for the week include: a community litter pick, rounders on the Green and countryside walk.
Check out this page as further details are announced.
If you have any questions, please contact