I’m new

I’m new

Welcome to Church of Our Saviour!

If you haven’t been to church in a while, or you’re coming to church for the first time, it can be a bit a daunting for some and you may have a few questions you’d like answered. We’ll try and answer some of them here, but if there is anything you’re not sure about, please get in touch.

What time should I arrive?

Our Sunday service starts at 10am, so come along a few minutes earlier to get settled before it starts. But don’t worry if you’re late! Our door is always open, and we’ll help you find a seat.

Where should I sit?

Anywhere! If you’re not sure, one of our stewards will help you find a space.

Will anyone talk to me?

We make a big effort to welcome everyone to our church, please stay and have a drink and a chat with us at the end of the service.

What do I during the Communion?

Holy Communion is the Christian way of corporately remembering and celebrating what Jesus Christ did for us. We share bread and wine, just as Jesus did with his disciples during the Last Supper. Anyone who has been baptised as a believer or been confirmed can take communion. Don’t worry if you haven’t or if it isn’t appropriate for you. Please come up to the sanctuary step with a book, and the minister will give you a blessing.

I have young children, I’m worried they’ll make too much noise.

Please don’t worry about this! We have many young families in our congregation, and it’s lovely to see and hear children in the service. If needed, we always have a few toys available. We also have our Adventurers group for 3 – 11 years, which meet during the service in the Garden Room.

Can someone pray for me?

Yes, we'd love to. Towards the end of every service, 2 members of our prayer ministry team will be sitting at the back of the church, ready to pray with you. You can tell the ministry team as much or as little as you like (it’s all confidential), and they will pray for you.

Am I expected to put anything in the offering plate?

The offering during each service is financial gift that each of our church members have committed to give to help run and maintain our church and to provide ministry to our community. You are under no obligation to contribute to this, but we are very grateful for any contribution that you’d like to make.

I’ve got a lot questions about God, faith, Christianity... I’m not sure about it all.

That’s fine, we all have questions and it helps to talk about it. It’s a natural part of being human! Speak to one of the stewards or the minister at the end of the service, and they’ll be happy to chat with you or arrange a visit. We also have a range of free booklets available as you enter the church, if you’d rather take one with you and have a read.