Christmas 2024 services

Christmas 2024 services

Christmas services at church this year

Saturday 30 November

Christmas Tree Festival - 2pm - 5pm

Entertainment from local groups • Craft stalls • Tombola • Raffle • Cakes and much more all in the beautiful setting of so many lovingly decorated trees.

Saturday 21 December

Blue Christmas service - 3pm

A time of reflection for those of us who find Christmas a difficult time for all sorts of reasons.

Come and light a candle, place a prayer on the tree, or simply enjoy the space to be still and remember

We look forward to meeting you.

Sunday 22 December

Messy Christmas Family Worship  - 9:45am

Come along for a free breakfast followed by an interactive Messy Christmas service with action songs and craft activities.

Everyone of all ages are welcome!


7pm - Carols by Candlelight

Please join us for our Carols by Candlelight service followed by Mulled wine and Mince Pies.

24 December - Christmas Eve

3pm - Crib service with Christingles

Join us for a family friendly service at 3pm as we look forward to the birth of Jesus and light Christingles.


11:00pm - Midnight Holy Communion

Join us as we see in Christmas Day with our Holy Communion service. 



25 December - Christmas Day

10am - Family Communion

Celebrate Christmas day with us at this family friendly all age service.